Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Nap Time Fun

A few days ago I had both girls down for a nap at the same time...YAY...that means I should be able to lay down also...right? Well, not when you have an almost 2 year old who would rather play than sleep. She started by throwing her doll Sally and her ni-ni (passifier) out of her crib, then she needed something to drink, then after an hour or more of jumping in her crib she started wining again. I went in to check on her and I found her stuck in her bumper. Silly girl! Oh well at least with all the crib play time she hasn't figured out how to climb out yet.


Jason and Anna said...

Ha! That's funny! I'm so glad I saw you yesterday Cara! I'm really excited to come over too next week...hopefully!!! :-)

Does Sadie sleep in your room? I would imagine. Ok, welp, you seriously looked REALLY good yesterday! Looks like you bounced back beautifully! Until we meet again! :-)

Larissa said...

Hee, Hee. So glad you took pictures. =) I'm sorry you didn't get your nap. I know you needed it.

Alissa Joy said...

haha i loved that!!