Thursday, July 31, 2008


Totally shifting gears from the baby news of late, last night Cara let me pursue one of my passions--catching a rock concert. Skillet, one of my all-time favorite bands, played the Mid-State Fair, and what a show it was. It began with a lone violinist coming on stage and soloing, eventually working his way into a familiar Skillet melody--"Comatose"--as smoke filled the stage. The drummer then appeared and proceeded to beat the heck out of the drums, followed by the rest of the band emerging and kicking it into full tilt simultaneously. I'm such a sucker for rock concerts, and it's possible I'm getting too old for the style of music I love...oh well. I just love the passion and the depth of lyrics, not to mention the blistering guitar and drum solos. Certainly at the end of the night, my soul was refreshed even though my neck was killing me.

I also need to mention that Cara was amazing to let me go. Apparently right after I left, while Cara was trying to bathe Sadie, Bekah decided to dump out an entire bag of Fishy crackers on the carpet and stomp victoriously and defiantly all over them. We're still trying to figure out how people with more than two kids do it.


shari said...

haha! i love bekah's stories!

i don't know how you do it either. i would have just put them all in a bowl and then made her eat all of them. but, that's just me. haha.

Larissa said...

Poor Cara! I'm so sorry. That's so brave of you to give Sadie a bath while Bekah was awake. I have yet to try that (thus Grant doesn't get as many baths as he probably should. Whoops!)

2Badgers said...

Hey Keith! That was so wonderful of Cara to let you enjoy the Skillet Concert in Paso. Our neighbors around the corner, the Loyd's, went to it also instead of Spirit West Coast this year so I'm sure it was great and inspiring. Enjoyed the U-Tube part as your "Rockin Mom". My neck would be sore too if I could do the head banging thing right!
Thank Cara again for taking on the excitement and action of two on her own, and we'll hope to come watch them both for a while when we get that way some overnight, in September or so? Let us know when and we'd love the action part of grandparenting since we are still "young enough"! You're the greatest parents of all:)