Thursday, August 21, 2008

Appointment Tomorrow

I have an appointment tomorrow at noon to see Dr. Malone- the Oncologist who worked up at Stanford Hospital. I hope I get some information since it's been hard being in the dark for so long. I'll let you all know how it goes. I guess I better start making a list of all the questions I have so that I don't forget them tomorrow.

We are still working hard at my mom's trying to get the rooms ready for us to move in - the storage unit was delivered today so we can start moving some of my mom's stuff out to make room for our things. Keith just left to take Bekah to the Dr.'s since her bladder infection has returned (she ended up being allergic to the antibiotics to she didn't finish the treatment and her pee-pee pain is back). I'm headed to my last OB post Sadie appointment right now and my mom is busy feeding Sadie. I would ask if life could get any more crazy but I really don't want to know the answer.

Until tomorrow....


2Badgers said...

Hi Cara,
Thanks for the update on your appointment. So sorry that Bekah ended up being allergic to the Sulpha antibiotic like her Dad is. When I mentioned that it took a few days for Keith to have a reaction when he was 18 mos.old, he seemed to think on it a bit. Trust moving things will go well though, and that you have enough packers/movers for the stuff I'm sure you forgot you had:) We will pray things get easier after getting Bekah on another medication. We had enough of our own challenges when Kirk was born, without anything besides a broken leg for Keith and surgery for Kirk's hydrocele, so our prayers and empathy are ongoing for you. Let us know if we can help,and we look forward to hearing the next steps your Dr. recommends tomorrow.

shari said...

cara! please keep us updated so that we may pray for you guys!

i love your heart and your strength. i know it is hard for you right now and i admire your ability to be mom, wife, daughter, and friend to many even during this crazy time!

Lisa Leonard said...

praying for your appointment tomorrow. love you guys! thanks for keeping us updated.

Elias said...

praying that you would be strengthened and God would be glorified through this time...

Brianna Heldt said...

Just a quick note to say you're in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day, and to sincerely thank you for keeping us all posted via your blog. Wish I was closer. Love and miss you guys!!!