Thursday, September 25, 2008

Little Updates

Keith's first day of school picture. :)
(Bekah's doll Sally is in his bag but he didn't actually take her to class)

He is on campus right now enjoying his first week of school - he's taking 17 units this quarter and has a lot of work ahead of him but he's actually looking forward to it. I'm so glad that he is pursuing a career that he will thrive in and enjoy! He's going to make such a great teacher and I'm so proud of him!

Bekah is still not potty trained but we are trying to encourage her by offering m&m treats....and book reading time. She is loving her play dates every week and is learning new words everyday! I love watching her grow into a little girl. We have our special time together in the mornings snuggling while watching cartoons and in the evenings she finds me resting in bed and brings books in to read before she goes to bed. I love those special moments with her.

Sadie is gowing so much. Every time I pick her up I'm shocked at how big she feels. She loves sucking her thumb and is sleeping in her crib really well these days. She's learning to be a little more independent - she likes spending time in her bouncer hitting the toys that hang in front of her and on her floor play mat (especially when Bekah is not around). She is defanetly a daddy's girl and she looks forward to her midnight feeding with him each night :).

Well - it's Thursday afternoon and I never got the chills and fever side effect...thank the Lord! I'm still really tired and my body is achy but I can handle that. My hair is still shedding and I kept waking up last night wondering if it had fallen out yet - I was getting so frustrated with myself I almost just shaved it on the spot so that I wouldn't think about it anymore. Don't worry I didn't but is was a thought :).

Tomorrow is Friday and my sister Katie and her husband Rob are coming into town for the weekend and I'm really looking forward to seeing them!


2Badgers said...

Hi to all you cuties! Thank you Cara for sharing such special updates with many who miss seeing you guys for real!! We are so thankful for the not-so-extreme reaction to your early Chemo, that has allowed you to continue blogging even:) We are also proud of Keith's direction in pursuing school so whole-heartedly, and we pray for his endurance with Sadie's midnight Daddy time. You guys are wonderful, and give hugs to the fantastic Grammy who has made rest possible for you. Continuing on in prayer....Love you all!
The Hollister Badger Mom

Jeannett said...

The girls are gorgeous! So glad that everything is going as well as it could. You are in my prayers regularly.

Larissa said...

I love that you took a first-day-of-school-picture of Keith. =) He is definitely going to be an amazing teacher.

Give those girls some kisses for me.

Love you!

Lisa Leonard said...

I was wondering if you'd had any hair loss. You looked so beautiful the other evening. I know you can pull off the bald look! Love you guys.

summer... said...

hey love... hope you have a fab weekend with the fam. enjoy your time!

Jan Roberts said...

Hi Keith & Cara - We do so enjoy your blogspot and keeping up on your family. Congratulations, Keith on returning for your Masters Degree. I know you'll be a great teacher, just from what I've learned from your blogspot. Cara, you are amazing with your great attitude in what I'm sure is a tough situation. Bekah on the potty reminded me when our Sharon was potty training Heidi (who graduates Dec. from college) She is the same age as your sister Kacey. I remember her husband, Darryl going to the little store near them to get M&M's for Heidi for training treats. She did learn & is a great person & we're sure will be a great teacher herself. She is planning to be an elementary school teacher. She starts her student teaching in Dec., right after graduation. Give those girls a hug from their ~great auntie Jan~.