Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Day Early

I went in for my weekly Dr. Malone appointment and blood draw today and ended up getting my chemo. treatment also (I was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon but the nurses were trying to save me an extra trip in). I guess it was a good thing since I had already started dreading this weeks's the drugs that gave me severe chills and a high 104 degree fever. They gave me some extra drugs to help with the severity of the reaction and some antibiotics since I'm still sick with a in a few days I should be feeling good.....although I may be bald :/. I was told that around week four is when you start losing your hair and I've already noticed a bit of shedding. Oh well - I have always said that if I was a boy I'd shave my head and now I will probably get to do it as a girl. I also told Keith that he was going to get to shave his head with me - that way if we are walking around town people won't know who the cancer patient is :).

Well - I'm half way least with chemo. YAY!!!

Also I'd just like to share with everyone that I'm ready for some cooler weather! I want to be able to snuggle up under a blanket with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and read a book, or be able to wear jeans and a sweatshirt on the days I feel like hiding my post prego. tummy pudge, or lay in bed and listen to the rain. My mom put out her Autumn decorations today and it reminds me that fall is just around the corner.


Irish Girl said...

I hope the reaction is milder this time! I'm ready for cooler weather too, so if you could send that our way, I would appreciate it :)
Still praying for you! Oh, and if you and Keith get your heads shaved together, you HAVE to take pics!
Love and miss you! Prayers continue!

Joanie said...

We hope this time around is so much better. Sorry about the hair - I've always thought you have such great hair, but hopefully it will only fall out in small amounts...or grow back very quickly!

And even though you do have beautiful hair, you're so much more than that! Let's begin with your sense of humor, caring heart, honest approach to life...The list goes on and on.

Glad you're half way through the chemo. You're in our prayers.

joy said...

half way through chemo! that is good. i agree with joanie that you are so much more. we're praying.

2Badgers said...

We're celebrating the halfway mark with you, and thankful for so many answered prayers! Yes and you do have a wonderful sense of humor and outlook on things despite the hair loss thing. Since you have so much hair compared to us, maybe it won't be as noticeable? In any case, it won't be the first time Keith shaves his head for a very worthy cause, although we like the hair length in your last family photo with the girls if he has a choice for his upcoming fall birthday:) Hope it gets cooler and cozier for you both, and we pray for strength in recovering from your earlier dose too. Lots of love and continued prayers!

Alissa Joy said...

CARA! i am so proud of you! you are so encouraging! great idea about keith shaving his head too! gosh i miss you. when its cold in december we'll sit on the couch with coffee together! with warm fuzzy socks! ohhhh cant wait. miss my badger family!

Kate said...

thinking of you and praying for you!