Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Year Ago...

I found out I officially had Hodgkins Lymphoma...I had become a cancer patient. Yikes!

I remember thinking about my life, my new born baby, my then 1 year old, my husband who I had only been married to for 3 1/2 years and Iwondered if I would live through the next year. I tried to think possitively - having thoughts like....I've always wanted to buzz my hair and now I have a good reason too, I hope I lose all my baby weight since I'm going to need least if I get sick from it I'll get thin in the process (that didn't happen at all), and..ok...I'm just getting all the "downs" out of the way early in my life (2 hard pregnancys, cancer and husband going back to school).

Now I'm ready for the "UPS"!

My baby girl is now 1 yr old and is walking all over the place! My big girl wants to go to preschool and told me today that I'm cute :). My husband and I will be celebrating out 5 year anniversary in December and he will be done with his teaching cradential in 4 months! And best of all I'm still in remission!!!

I often wonder why God chose me and my family to go through this journey. I hope one day I'll realize the purpose for it all. For now I'm just grateful that He kept me on this earth so that I could see my little girls grow up. I feel like I've been given a second chance to be a mom and wife and I'm so thankful for that!

Thanks you to everyone who helped us survive this past year! We couldn't have done it with out so much support!!!


Jacquelyn said...

Congratulations! we were praying for you :) (p.s. that has got to be the biggest zucchini I have ever seen.)

Mama Mote said...

Ditto. You and my daughter have been married for almost 5 years?? Unbelievable!!! It has been a blessing to watch you grow from a baby to a beautiful young woman of God. Goodness! We may never know why God let's us go through what we do, but I'm thankful that He is always there when we are going through those tough times. So thankful you are doing so well. Your kiddos are so cute...miss seeing them. Was glad to bump into you during our last visit.

2Badgers said...

So great to reflect on the many things that God has been doing in your lives during these very full almost 5 years of marriage! We are always holding you all up in prayer, and want to help in any other way should things get demanding with car expenses or school costs, so keep us posted!
Love you as ever.....Mom/Dad B.

liz oelker said...

Can't beleive it's already been a year. We thank God daily for saving you! and love the blogs so i can keep updated even from far away. hugs all around!

Joanie said...

Praise God you are here and writing this story! You set an example to us by going through this trial with courage, faith and a very positive attitude.

Look at Little Sadie!!! All grown up - how did that happen?!?