Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cara's B-day!!

Cara turned 25 today, and I'm so ecstatic b/c she had a really fun day. The day started out with her opening the card Bekah and I picked out, a musical pink and glittery card that we thought was fun, primarily due to the "Brick House" tune (every time Bekah opened the card, she starts bobbing her head and laughing). Those Hallmark people are genius! After our card fun, Cara and I escaped to Apple Farm for a delicious breakfast while Bekah hung out with Aunt Kacey. The rest of the day unfolded in normal Thursday fashion until this evening when we enjoyed a family dinner over at Jan and Bill's, stuffing ourselves and watching as Cara unwrapped hoards of makeup and hair-care products. And Ken and I learned what voluminizing shampoo is. According to the spell checker, voluminizing isn't even a real word, just in case you were wondering. Anyways, we arrived home just in time to catch the latest installment of THE OFFICE!! Some people just don't get it, and in fact one of the 5th graders I tutor told me to my face today that it's no good--I was shocked and appalled beyond words. Kids these days. But I digress. Thanks to everyone who called today to wish Cara a happy birthday as you really made the day extra special. I'm so blessed to be married to such an amazing woman, and I'm overjoyed that she had a great b-day, and yes, that she will now have really voluminous hair.


Kristen Borland said...

welcome to the blogging world!! happy birthday to cara! (and btw, we absolutely love "the office" and had major withdrawals during the writer's strike!)

Dane said...

The Office is no good? What is the world coming to. Next they'll be trying to tell us that sliced bread just isn't that great any more.

Jacquelyn said...

Happy B-day Kara! If it weren't for people named Jim and Dwight I don't think I'd laugh at T.V. anymore (aslo people named Earl ... but that's a different show.)

2Badgers said...

What a great start to your blogging! So happy that Cara had such a special 25th and for the part that we were blessed to have as part of it. We hope to practice the consistency of watching "the office" and maybe even blogging, but at least we can enjoy your happenings more often this way. May our Lord be glorified by it all:)

Larissa said...

Yay! Welcome to blogging!

shari said...

oh, i am so excited about this!

and happy belated birthday! now i have both of yours memorized!

can't wait to hear more about the family.

and yes, i also live for the office! when it premiered, i dressed as pam to work that day. i feel as though they are my real friends...even though they are fictional characters.

Unknown said...

yay...I miss you guys...Bekah is SO big!