-Bekah started going to pre-school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings - it's a great christian school in Kingsburg that she loves....and Sadie and I have been enjoing some 1:1 time while Bekah is busy learning :)
-We have been going to play dates, meeting friends for library story time, hanging out with Katie and Cole a lot and loveing it!, picking up the disastered house before daddy comes home while getting a homemade dinner on the table...almost every night :), playing a lot of make believe....princess, grocery shopping (with fake food and the orange tree outside our house), lion, fort castles, tea party, Friday night movie nights....with homemade sugar popcorn! The girls are playing so much better together lately - they still fight but what sisters don't - right?:)
- Sadie has gone Pee-on-the-potty a few times! It's so fun to see the excitement of both girls and to follow bare buns Sadie running into the Kitchen for a pee-pee treat...oh and she loves to walk around in these light up princess heals. Sadie loves to accesorize and Bekah loves to wear the "moving" dresses.
-I've started doing a Turbo - Jam video since I'm not able to go to the gym and the girls do it with me sometimes...although they only last about 3 min - such slackers :)
-Keith is getting the hang of his new schedule - he's gone around 6:15am and home around 6pm. The girls are usually waiting for him in their princess dresses ready to attack him when he walks through the door. Bekah is usually either yelling - "Prince Daddy come dance with me!" Or....she will run into her room when she hears him opening the door, jump into bed, close her eyes, pucker up and then yell....."Prince Daddy - I'm snow white and I've eaten the apple and you need to come kiss me on the lips!...and wear your cape" (a blanket he wraps around his neck). When Sadie realizes "Prince Daddy" is home she starts dancing with herself chanting Da-De!, Da-De! And for myself...I watch and smile. I'm so thankful that life is good, that I have a wonderful husband and that my girls have a prince in their daddy...I hope they will always view him that way.....